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Regarding the business of cylinder liner for large main engine

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 2건 조회 4,562회 작성일 20-12-09 15:46


1. Annual consumption for new built engine may be counted about 20,000 unit and the repair requirement for the sailing ships may be around 40,000 unit.

2. The repair requirement would be changed acording to world trade amount.

3.  The new built large engines are manufactured in the far east Asian countries,Korea, China, and Japan.

4. Actually, the cylinder liner makers are in the same area.  



최고관리자님의 댓글

최고관리자 작성일

The compitition among the manufacturers are too severe and their benefit are almost zero or minus.


최고관리자님의 댓글

최고관리자 작성일

In order to be the manufacturer of cylinder liner, they have to pass the difficult procedure to get licensee from the engine design company.And they also get the approval from the shipping classes from the countries all around the world.
The material of cylinder liner has to contain the expense alloy. Because of the severe compitition, the price became lower and lower.